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Showing posts from December 17, 2017

Why the Fungus

     I was helping my daughter with her Composition homework years ago. The assignment was to come up with your own poems. She was having trouble understanding the difference between the different type of poems.  I believe she got started on her homework about 10pm and was still at it at 11pm. This was a late night for us and I was very tired. I knew that she needed help, so I pulled up my bootstraps and dove in to help her.  I don't really see myself as a creative person, so I knew that in order for me to help her I would need God's help. So, I prayed and set to help her by some examples. I was very giddy and silly. Needless to say, it was a very unusual night. She saw a side of me I don't believe she had seen of me til then, and she was a bit surprised. We had so much fun laughing at our silliness. It was a night she still remembers some 10 to 15 years later. (That's what happens to me when I get really tired.) Out of that night, came The Fungus Among Us!!! po