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Showing posts from December 10, 2017

The choice is Yours

Referring to conversation with a friend who said to me, "I am bound to a person to act this certain way in a situation and I feel as though I have no control or power." When someone tells you what to do, do you feel that you must do it? Do you ask yourself these questions?... why am I asked to do this...what is the benefit if I do it...what happens if I don't do what I am asked to do...Is it worth it? In every situation, we have a choice to obey or not to obey. No matter who it is that is asking  or demanding and no matter who you are to them, the choice is yours(in captain planet voice). You see even if the choice is whether to eat or not, whether to obey a teacher, a parent, or an employer we have a choice. It is up to us if we want the consequences of our choice positive or negative. If we choose the negative response, then we must be also willing to accept the results of that decision just as much as if we had made the positive decision and are willing to receive

Situations-my choice or my response?

Heres how it went down... Friday morning we have snow(not a normal occurrence here). The perfect beginning to a busy weekend. We seem to have many of these lately. Today started off with an expectation of some "me time"(nice bubble bath and relaxing quiet time to hear God). Nope not gonna happen!! phone rings... Child has forgotten today is food day and needs food brought to school and yes before Pizza places open. So I begin baking an emergency batch of cookies, get first pan in the oven and receive another call "schools out early due to snow, going home, don't need food- can you come get me I am walking home now?" Ours lives are full of changes hiccups and unmet expectations. How we respond to them is what will determine the affect they have in our lives. If we choose to think before reacting we can direct the results not only on ourselves but also in the lives of those that are watching us. Yes, there is always someone watching to see how we respond and d