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Showing posts from February 18, 2018

What is Your Foundation?

I have been really enjoying writing and putting my thoughts out there. (Your feedback is welcome.) It seems we have a common theme going on with our identity. I think it is a bit ironic since I am still finding my blog identity.  Each day is an opportunity to choose who we will be today. Even when we are just going about our day it can be a decision we are faced with. Paul said, "You’re like a straw blowing in the wind.” Meaning that whatever direction the wind is blowing that is the direction you are going in. Will I be a child of the most high King today or will I be led by my own soul and my identity determined by the situation or environment around me? This is how your life and situations determine who you are. We can set a standard and choose to place a stake in the ground say this is where I am. This is who I am because I know whose I am. Be confident and stand strong. I have had more than 1 conversation lately with young adults that are searching for their iden