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A Faith Walk is What?

Walking by faith is something that is usually not as easy as it seems. To walk by faith, we must learn to shut off the part of our brain that wants control of a situation and that wants to plan everything out to the details. This is easier for some people than it is others due to their personality as well as the way they process things mentally. If we choose to walk by faith, it will require to completely trust someone that we cannot see to handle the situations that may come up. It means we don’t have a plan for next week or next month or even next year that is a detailed plan written out with all the specs measured and in order of expected completion. 
To believe that the Bible is the infallible word of God we simply (for many this is not so simple) use faith to believe it. Each person has a level of faith, but not everyone has the same amount of faith or the same kind of faith. As you know, there are some people that fully and wholly believe in the Bible, then there are others that have a different level of belief in the Bible. Some say a portion is true or the truth is in only a certain timeline and is no longer truth these days. Either way, this takes faith in whatever portion of their faith they are using.  Also, you can have faith in a healing, or faith for finances, or faith for a job that you will get that job. These are all different ways to have faith and different portions of faith.
Living by faith is different than each of these. It is not just one specific area, nor is it just for a specified amount of time. When you live by faith you accept that the end results are out of our hands, understand that we don’t know just how long this process may take also, we don’t necessarily have an idea of what other areas may be affected by this process. We start off with small faith and as we use the muscle of faith it begins to grow and develop you spiritually as well. Walking by faith will strengthen the spirit of God in us because our soul or flesh will not like the insecurity of not knowing and not controlling the situations. (I Timothy 6:12 NIV) Often times lack of faith comes from lack of knowledge or a lack of understanding of being a new creation. 

We can gain knowledge and understanding of our righteousness from feeding on the word of God and listening to the teachers of His word. The more you read or meditate on the Bible the more you increase your belief in it. (Joshua 1:8 NIV) Basically says, Remember, what’s in the Word of God, speak and study it day and night, and obey what is written there. If you do, you will be wise and successful in everything you do.
Sometimes God shows us the mountaintop and not the road or He will show you the road and not the mountaintop. Therefore, we see a part of the plan, but not the whole plan. He gives us enough to get started with or enough to charge our faith. So, we trust God that He knows what He is doing, He has a plan, and He is working things out even when we can’t see them or know what is happening.
The truth is, do we have enough faith to say, “I Trust God enough to do anything He says?”

We can be a Christian for a long time and never walk in the light of what we really have, because of a lack of understanding of the word of God.

Him -Corrie Ten Boom


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