Super-Man has so much trouble with his decisions. He had no Alfred or Jarvis, but he sometimes listened to Batman or his current sidekick. His sidekicks were temporary, and he usually turns away those that offer to help him on a long-term basis. Except for his dog, Krypto. He acts like he needs only himself but comes up short each time.
Lois Lane has him wrapped around her finger, so he does crazy stuff for her that benefits only her and gets others killed or injured. He does not think clearly when it comes to her.
Superman needs a consistent friend that can be there and put up with his foolishness and pride. Even more than the Justice League. He has them trying to help him figure out this human thing. He had an identity crisis for most of his life. Sound familiar?
We as earthlings find ourselves dealing with this as well. The world is constantly telling us who we are or whom we are supposed to be. The Holy Spirit is the Word of God. He is alive and will speak to us to tell us who we were created to be and what we were created for. We each have a purpose and a reason for being on this planet. It is still our choice to be or not to be what we were created to be.
Lex Luthor played Superman and deceived him. Superman doesn’t learn easily from his mistakes. He repeats many mistakes by listening to his emotions and does not practice self-control well.
His enemies used Kryptonite from his past and would repeatedly come back and get the best of him. His emotions guided him and caused him to be misled often.
Do you find yourself in the same situation as Superman? We can acuse him and judge him, but very easily find ourselves being challenged just as much. We have the Word of God, the Holy Spirit, teaching, preaching, prayer and all of these resources God has given to us to use to fight against what the enemy uses against us. We can defeat Satan! We do have the power when we use the name of Jesus!!
Resist the devil submit to God and he will flee from you. James 4:7 This stuff is real Ya’ll!!!
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