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Here I am waiting for you.

From Gods heart to His children...
 I love you and I always look forward to our times together.
 I love to hear your heart and to hear what you have to say.
 You know, when you share your heart with me you invite me into your situations.
 I would never try to take over or force you to do my will. It's always your choice.
I want you to want me, to want to love me, to want to be friends.
I know that things are not always easy, but that's why I'm here if you ask me I can help you. I want to.
I made you to need me. I love you and I know what you can do. I know what you are made of, what your skills and your potential are. You may not know, but I know you can reach it. I have no doubt.
Here I am waiting for you to come and spend some time with me.
I know life gets in the way sometimes, but please prioritize me into your life.
I miss my time with you. I love to fellowship with you.
When we Fellowship together you are growing changing and overcoming the things that would hinder you and break you.
Why should we fellowship you ask?
When we Fellowship, you become strong 
When we Fellowship, your spirit becomes like my spirit 
When we Fellowship, you become invincible overcoming conquering and fierce.
When we Fellowship, we scare your enemies.
When we Fellowship, your enemies shake in their shoes and are very afraid because they know we together are a force to be reckoned with.
Come spend time with me as I, the Holy Spirit , would love to show you what I have created in you, and the gifts I have set in place for you and your family.


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