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Legacy from my Father!!

I think about the things in my life and I feel very full of appreciation for all that God has done. My life today is so blessed and so full of the Grace of God. I shudder when I think of how and where I could be today without God. Without His Grace and mercy and strength and the love, He has given me through the years.
No, I am not any more special than anyone else, I just know my source and I know that when I get off track where to return to, to get my focus back and to get whatever it is that I need.
God kept me and was there for so many different things in my life. Yes there difficult times, but When I turned to God he guided me and gave me the strength to continue.
When my earthly father passed away my world was turned upside down. The one constant in my life was suddenly gone. I wasn't sure what was stable and what I could count on or trust. I was 16 and no longer knew what my future would be like. What I expected my future to be, died with him. I didn't know what was going to still be in place when all the dust settled. My identity was now a fatherless child and all stability was now removed from my life.
For the next 2 years, everything was shifting and moving. My family moved to a new town, home, and school, all this just before senior year started. Like I said, my world was upside down.
My transitioning life was met with more tragedy and I was beginning to find that my life was finding a constant that had always been but was in the shadow of my Father. He was a man with large shoes to fill. He was for me, as a little girl the King or ruler, of my world. Now he was not.
In time I began to see that God was always there. He was always taking care of me and looking out for me. So I decided that the God I spoke to often as a child, was not afraid of life or the situations that come. Maybe I should pull my weight some and seek out who this protector and source really is.

Wow!!! I quickly began to see that He was so much larger than anything I had ever expected Him to be. The descriptions that were given to me of who God is and what He is in Sunday school were so much less than the real thing. There is a depth to Him that never ends. There is a strength in Him that surpasses anything I can understand.
As my relationship with my Heavenly Father was being developed I compared my earthly Father and saw that he gave me one of the most important things anyone could possibly give. My father was very adamant that we attend Sunday service every Sunday. This ingrained in me that not just church, but God was very important to living. So much so that He is like your next breath. That is the greatest legacy a father could leave for his child.
Yes, That was my fathers legacy to me.
In my adult life, I found that even more true. When things in my life were challenging, I found there one place that I could find the strength I did not think I had, the resources I could not find, the love that I needed so desperately, and the confidence that I could find nowhere else. In the arms of the Almighty who would so tenderly love me and had everything that I needed. Even when I would go to Him for what I thought I needed, He would know what I actually need and had plenty to give with no reservations.

What is your legacy to leave to your children, as a father or mother? What do you think this God would say to you, in your situation today? What are you asking/seeking from God? Ask Him. You will find that He is not afraid and has the answer.


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