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Super Hero Sidekick

We host the Holy Spirit wherever we go. We are his transport the Holy Spirit is not our servant. He is like Alfred is to Batman. You live like Batman, in secret, doing good. God says, "I will reward you in the open, like Bruce Wayne. What would Batman be, without Alfred? Alfred was his guide, his conscience, his best friend. Batman walked away from all of it because it wasn't helping his heart. He came back for Revenge. As he was working towards that, even the opportunity for Revenge was taken from him. At his lowest point, he chose to do it God's way. Alfred suggested this way when Batman was in combat training to be a ninja. He was driven by his passion for Revenge, when he hit rock bottom at the end of himself he was able to hear the Holy Spirit and do it His way. Super-Man has nothing. He has no sidekick and turns away anyone that offers to help him. He acts like he needs only himself but comes up short each time. Lois Lane has him wrapped around her finger he

Legacy from my Father!!

I think about the things in my life and I feel very full of appreciation for all that God has done. My life today is so blessed and so full of the Grace of God. I shudder when I think of how and where I could be today without God. Without His Grace and mercy and strength and the love, He has given me through the years. No, I am not any more special than anyone else, I just know my source and I know that when I get off track where to return to, to get my focus back and to get whatever it is that I need. God kept me and was there for so many different things in my life. Yes there difficult times, but When I turned to God he guided me and gave me the strength to continue. When my earthly father passed away my world was turned upside down. The one constant in my life was suddenly gone. I wasn't sure what was stable and what I could count on or trust. I was 16 and no longer knew what my future would be like. What I expected my future to be, died with him. I didn't know what was g

How Super is Super-Man

Super-Man has so much trouble with his decisions. He had no Alfred or Jarvis, but he sometimes listened to Batman or his current sidekick. His sidekicks were temporary, and he usually turns away those that offer to help him on a long-term basis. Except for his dog, Krypto. He acts like he needs only himself but comes up short each time. Lois Lane has him wrapped around her finger, so he does crazy stuff for her that benefits only her and gets others killed or injured. He does not think clearly when it comes to her. Superman needs a consistent friend that can be there and put up with his foolishness and pride. Even more than the Justice League. He has them trying to help him figure out this human thing. He had an identity crisis for most of his life. Sound familiar? We as earthlings find ourselves dealing with this as well. The world is constantly telling us who we are or whom we are supposed to be. The Holy Spirit is the Word of God. He is alive and will speak to us to tell u

Super Hero - "I'm Batman" (voice of Batman)

We host the Holy Spirit wherever we go. We are his transport. The Holy Spirit is not our servant. He is like Alfred is to Batman. Maybe we live like Batman, in secret, doing good. God says, "I will reward you in the open, like Bruce Wayne. What would Batman be, without Alfred? Alfred was his guide, his conscience, his best friend. Batman walked away from trying to get revenge because it wasn't helping his heart. He came back for Revenge when he went after the Joker to avenge Jason Todd. As he was working towards that, even the opportunity for Revenge was taken from him. At his lowest point, he chose to do it God's way. Alfred suggested he come back to being Batman to keep Batman from crossing the line. We often walk this fine line and come to a point where we must decide. Batman was always bordering the line of going too far.  He was driven by his passion for Revenge, when he hit rock bottom at the end of himself he was able to hear the Holy Spirit and do it His way.
Dear Holy Father,  I am humbled to be viewed as precious in your eyes. Thank you for taking on my sin so that I could take on your righteousness. Please help me to see myself as you see me, help me to thrive in your beauty as a woman of worth. Show me what you have created me to be and show me what gifts you have given to me. I know that I was made for a purpose and I know that everything I need to accomplish that purpose is in me. Father, I ask you to open my eyes so that I can see me the way you see me, with your glory and your beauty. Help me to understand my part and all that you have given me to do in this life. Thank you, my heavenly Father, for making me complete. Your love is more than enough, your Grace is more than I can understand and more than I deserve. Yet you gave it all to me just because you love me. You continually show me who I am in you. I love you, my Father.

He Fights to Destroy!!

                                                              Fight what you can't see. Do you ever feel like you are having to fight something you don't see to make things happen? Do you seem to have a struggle of some kind each time you attempt to progress your life forward or to follow the things of God?  You know the world around you doesn't always want you to succeed. There are many different challenges we face whose purpose is to prevent us from knowing who we are and to keep us from finding what our skills are. There are so many different things that present themselves to us that would like to be "the real thing". The thing that is "truth" and that we can say "hey this is what I base my principles and life on as guidelines to set the standard for my values and decisions, and it is right." When we look at the options, we can get so confused and discouraged and not know what is true and what is not. We could spend a lifetime

Man. Who are you?

You are born of God (1 John 5:11) You are my child, my son. You are my heir. I made you on purpose for a purpose. (John 1:12, Romans 8:15, 17) You were not an accident, nor were you unplanned. Yes, I knew you before your mother was aware of you and I know you as the world has attempted to change you. (Jeremiah 1:5) What I placed in you is still there. You can become everything I created and intended you to be. I made you strong in your youth and wise in your years. I made you with valor, strength, courageous, and passionate. I placed my nature in you and my blood flows through you. Your strength comes from me when I am in you. Humility is my glory and my life I placed in you. When you walk in humility, you carry me in you. You take me everywhere you go. I have imparted grace and peace to you as part of the wonderful life I designed for you. Will you receive it? You are my fingerprint of life. For you, I created a plan. After the enemy came to interfere, I gav

A Faith Walk is What?

Walking by faith is something that is usually not as easy as it seems. To walk by faith, we must learn to shut off the part of our brain that wants control of a situation and that wants to plan everything out to the details. This is easier for some people than it is others due to their personality as well as the way they process things mentally. If we choose to walk by faith, it will require to completely trust someone that we cannot see to handle the situations that may come up. It means we don’t have a plan for next week or next month or even next year that is a detailed plan written out with all the specs measured and in order of expected completion.  To believe that the Bible is the infallible word of God we simply (for many this is not so simple) use faith to believe it. Each person has a level of faith, but not everyone has the same amount of faith or the same kind of faith. As you know, there are some people that fully and wholly believe in the Bible, then there are others th

Hello Is Anyone Out There?

A young family man has an addiction to drugs. He has “fallen off the wagon again” (so to speak) and he is at a drug house and in the middle of a 3-day drug binge. A stranger, who is also there, and is doing drugs says to him “Preacher man what are you doing here? You know you are not supposed to be here. You need to go home.” You see God used a sinner to speak to a saint, a child of His own, a believer to help him out of the trap. Once he came down off his high, he remembered that man.  This happened more than once, but not the same stranger. It helped him. He felt that God was right there and talked to him to his face in this stranger and that God personally cared for him. This was part of a series of events that led him to come out of that addiction and became drug-free for more than 20 years now. Did you know that God wants to speak to you, and wants you to hear Him? “How can you hear God speaking to you???” Well, I am so glad you asked. 😊 We show Him we value hearing Him by p

What is Your Foundation?

I have been really enjoying writing and putting my thoughts out there. (Your feedback is welcome.) It seems we have a common theme going on with our identity. I think it is a bit ironic since I am still finding my blog identity.  Each day is an opportunity to choose who we will be today. Even when we are just going about our day it can be a decision we are faced with. Paul said, "You’re like a straw blowing in the wind.” Meaning that whatever direction the wind is blowing that is the direction you are going in. Will I be a child of the most high King today or will I be led by my own soul and my identity determined by the situation or environment around me? This is how your life and situations determine who you are. We can set a standard and choose to place a stake in the ground say this is where I am. This is who I am because I know whose I am. Be confident and stand strong. I have had more than 1 conversation lately with young adults that are searching for their iden

Here I am waiting for you.

From Gods heart to His children...  I love you and I always look forward to our times together.  I love to hear your heart and to hear what you have to say.  You know, when you share your heart with me you invite me into your situations.  I would never try to take over or force you to do my will. It's always your choice. I want you to want me, to want to love me, to want to be friends. I know that things are not always easy, but that's why I'm here if you ask me I can help you. I want to. I made you to need me. I love you and I know what you can do. I know what you are made of, what your skills and your potential are. You may not know, but I know you can reach it. I have no doubt. Here I am waiting for you to come and spend some time with me. I know life gets in the way sometimes, but please prioritize me into your life. I miss my time with you. I love to fellowship with you. When we Fellowship together you are growing changing and overcoming the thing

You are Not Alone

  You Are Not Alone I will always be with you and never leave you. You and I we can always fight the world together. I will not force myself upon you, just invite me to come with you. You are not alone. It is you and I together as long as you want us to be. Together we will not lose, just don't leave me behind or forget me. Even if you do I will still be here, just come back and talk to me. I will not be mad at you, but glad you still want us to fellowship together. I will never leave you lonely and always ready to comfort you, speak to you, encourage you, teach you and love you. I will always stay with you, and I am always for you. You are very important, valuable, and worth it all. Don't let them tell you your ugly. I know you better than you know you and I know what's in you. I trust you and I know you are better than you think you are also better than they think you are. Don't give up on me. Let us be. You-me-we are more than 3 we are 4. (Th

The Implant

The Implant Not every thought is yours. Don't believe all the thoughts from the enemy. They will destroy the future I put in you. That is their mission and purpose.  Sometimes it is an implant from the weak one. Like a disease each thought is meant to weaken you, tear you down, brake you and destroy who you were made to be and who you can be.  I know you. I made you strong like a soldier ready to fight fresh at every turn.  Be confident in me and you will see what you can be. You are a fierce overcomer.  Don't give up I can show you how I see you and teach you how to be that.  Yes, it is in you already, but you don't believe in you and you struggle to believe me . You think: If you can see it you can fight it. I tell you not so. What you cannot see is what I can see, and I have the weapon to conquer it. I can help you and show you how to use the weapon to fight and be the overcomer I created you to be. The enemy would make you to be weak. I can make you stron

Who Am I?

                                                                                                    Who am I ? I was speaking to a young adult about things going on in her life. She could not figure out why things weren't working for her. I asked about the decisions that she makes. Why do you make these decisions? She said she didn’t know. I asked her “who are you?” Because her decisions seem to be sporadic. The choices she was making were not consistent and not following a plan or even a certain characteristic.  So, I asked if her if she knows who she is. If we don't know who we are then we don't know what we stand for; and we don't know who we are; who we represent. As a young adult that is one of the first things that we need to learn to be successful at adulting and at long term decision making.  We make our decisions from our values and our direction or vision for our lives. If we know where we want to go, then we make our decisions accordingly. If we a